Thursday, October 31, 2019
Employment of the Troops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Employment of the Troops - Essay Example The operations are majorly in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan among others (Borgwardz 81-5). Indeed the states are spending a lot on military operations. The spending is based on salaries of the soldiers and at the sane time weapons used during wars not to forget humanitarian service. If war comes to an end and soldier brought back home then this will mean a lot. The expenditure on war will reduce and more money will be in treasury. With more funds that will be saved, the US can have a paradigm shift. The soldiers will not be apparently resting in the barracks or just confined in the states because there is peace. The soldiers can be made to provide services that are productive to the states and at the same time helps in strengthening economic pillars of the people. The soldiers as is realized are specialist in other sectors of economy. They can be taken back to there areas of specialization to ensure that the states have the maximum number of employees in each sector. This will ensur e that there is efficiency in service delivery. Other military officers can be given technical training to work in industries. The saved money will be used to export raw materials from there sources and be brought to industries. New industries can be established with an aim of producing commodities that are currently being exported by US (Pine 89-92). By doing this, the states will be producers than consumers and enjoy all be benefits the producers enjoy. They will be exporting and earning foreign exchange; at the same time they will be creating opportunity for money generation. Other soldiers may also be trained in research and innovation. In the field of research they will be doing exploration on the possible and potential areas that the United State has not exploited. With this they will be expanding the scope and horizon of the level of research and technology of the states. It will make the states to go along way in terms of resources utilization. The military officers having b een exposed to several civilizations overseas have knowledge from all corners of the world the experienced they have gained may be tapped to improve the United State and to see how they rank as compared to other countries of the different regions of the world (Oatis 800-9). In the attempt to integrate ideas from different places, the states will be indeed leading in terms of globalization and it will reflect all civilization in the world. With that the philosophy of unity amidst diversity will be embodied in the states. Having been exposed to several spheres of lives the US soldiers may be shifted to humanitarian services. They can be advocators for humans to accept every human being for plainly just being another human being, ignoring and abolishing biased social views, prejudiced view points or mind sets. In there advocacy, they should campaign for ethics, kindness, benevolence, sympathy and other accepted virtues to guide human life. This will go along way in perpetuating peace i n the world and creating employment for the soldiers who will be doing this on a volition basis. Instead of attacking countries in wars, US soldiers can shift to provide aid or logistical assistance provided for humanitarian purposes typically on response to humanitarian crisis including natural disasters and man made disasters. This will change there distorted image on war and give them a good admirable public reputation that US will be the epitome of peace and good neighborhood. They should have a primary
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Creative Strategies for Community Health Assignment
Creative Strategies for Community Health - Assignment Example Currently 17 percent of children in the United States who are aged between the ages of 2 and 19 years old, and an average of 10.4 percent of preschoolers are overweight. The condition affects children of all ages, race, gender groups and countries (Davies, Fitzgerald & Mousouli, 2008). One of the most successful strategies used in Childhood obesity management is weight and nutritional counseling at the community level. This strategy is effectively being applied in a community based, Childhood obesity management program in Boston that has been dubbed â€Å"Fitness in the City†(FIC). 11 Boston community health centers are currently actively participating in the project with clinicians, nurses and other community based health practitioners being used to offer weight and nutritional counseling services to the community (Graham, 2008). The foremost benefit of this approach is that, clinicians are able to attend to both children and parents at the same time, and hence they find themselves better equipped to help work out adequate lifestyle changes suitable for the whole family. Another major advantage of this strategy is that the children attending the appointments and the rest of their families are not required to leave their neighborhoods so as to be able to access the services this has been of immense help in reducing the number of children who end up missing appointments (Graham, 2008). The Columbus city schools wellness initiative uses innovative strategies to help in reducing childhood obesity rates in the district. The programs uses strategies such as regular BMI screenings for children, water only options in vending machines, in the schools participating in the program, restricted servings for beverages other than water, development of enhanced health education curriculums in the schools. These strategies have considerably helped reduce the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Human Resource Management (HRM) in Different Organisations
Human Resource Management (HRM) in Different Organisations Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. ( Storey defines HRM as a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic development of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an arryay of cultural, structural and personnel techniques. (Human Resource Management by Julie Beardwell Tim Claydon 5th edition) Thus, HRM includes so many activities like planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, remuneration, etc. HRM aims at mounting people through work. In addition to this concern for the individual, HRM is also about developing the environment within the company for developing good qualities. There must be good professional relationship between boss and the employees. The HR manager has to look at all these aspects of the company with long term view to the company. One way of presentating this is that it might have been said of the personnel manager that they were involved mainly in recruitment, payment and keeping account. They therefore concerned themselves with a fairly slight view of the people in the organization. ( The main activities of HRM: The one that we would list are as follows: Recruitment and selection Examples: HRM at nokia:Nokia Connecting People this motto is known all over the world. Nokia employs thousands of people from the world each and every year. Their method of recruitment is really very accurate and selective, and they recruit the people who fulfill their all requirements for the job. ( Training and development Example: HRM at hospitality industry: Nowadays, in each and every industry, training is necessary. An introductory guide is fully updated with recent informations, news and datas.the hospitality industry mainly give attention to following avtivity of human resource management. Selection, appointment and induction Training and management development Labor turnover Employee relations and employment law ( HRM at B S healthcare London: It is the place where I am working. After interview they had a training for all new comers. It is basically a pharmacy industry which makes the medicines on daily order bases. When I was selected in the interview, I was told to complete 10 specific tasks related to my job of making the medicines, specially suspensions. And after identifying the skills they train the new employees nicely. (Personal experience) Example: Disneys Polynesian Resort: It has developed a training program, to facilitate employee understanding and commitment to the business and its values called Magic of Polynesia. At Edward Jones, new brokers attend 17 weeks of training at costs ranging between $50,000 and $70,000 per person. Conversely, many organizations provide minimal initial training, little on-going development programs, and poorly implemented on-the-job training ( Human resource planning Provision of contracts Provision of fair treatment Provision of equal opportunities Assessing performance of employees Employee counseling Example: HRM at health centers: Health centre employees must have some nice degree but it is also important that they behave very nicely to the patients. So continuous viewing of the staff in health centers must be monitored by the manager. Generally, in health centers HRM is being observed in following ways: A study of nurse staffing, organization and quality of care A study of staffing level, mix and outcome indicators An examination of nurse staffing, patient mortality rates.( Employee welfare Example: HRM at Starbucks: Starbucks believes that one of their most expensive resources are their workers. Here the personnel are provided very good environment to work and they are very well treated by the boss also. Managers believe that they are playing the major role in their benefits. All workers are called partners of the starbucks, no matter what job they are doing in the coffee shop. Each partner is eligible to receive health care, participate in the Bean Stock program, and get a free pound of coffee each week. ( Example: HRM at Hotels: Here, management staff is getting more benefits than non management receives. If the staff work more than 40 hours then they are paid per hour on regular basis and thay may get extra pay for doing over-time. They also have very good pension scheme and they can join in from day 1. (Human Resource management in hotel industry: strategy and innovation by Kim Hoque) Health and safety Example: HRM at airlines industry: Airlines have adopted a short-permits, cost-rational move toward to HRM and health and safety, evidenced by a range of plannings, in order to increase competitive advantage. But, here profit was considered more important than the health and safety of the workers. But nowadays, the management has been improved and the workers get more benefits from the company. ( Disciplining individual Dealing with grievances Dismissal Negotiation Encouraging involvement (Introducing human resource management by Margaret Foot 2nd edition) Major characteristics of HRM: The major characteristics of HRM have been identified as follows: The importance of adopting a strategic approach is emphasized. Line managers play a very important role. They achieve the competitive advantage by the efforts of the workers. This can variously be interpreted into actions known as soft HRM. A unitary rather than a pluralist approach prevail in the relationship between managers and employees. (Introducing human resource management by Margaret Foot 2nd edition) Strategic human resource management: Strategic human resource management can be defined as the linking of human resources with strategic goals and objectives in order to progress business performance and develop organizational culture that foster innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage. In an organisation SHRM means accepting and involving the HR function as a strategic colleague in the formulation and execution of the companys strategies through HR behavior such as recruiting, selecting, training and rewarding personnel. ( ( Since the early 1980s when human resource management arrived on the managerial agenda, there has been considerable debate concerning its nature and its nature and its value to organizations. Indeed, the now large literature rarely differentiates between HRM and SHRM. Some have focused HRM as a means of gaining commitment and linked this to outcomes of enhanced organizational performance and business effectiveness through best practice models or high performance work practices. (Human Resource Management by Julie Bardwell Tim Claydon, 5th edition) Features of SHRM: The key features of SHRM are: There is a strong relation between HR policy and practices and final organizational strategic aims and the organizational environment. There is some organizing diagram linking HR intervention so that they are equally helpful Much of the responsibility for the management of human resources is developed losing the line. Â Â Â Â Example: HRM at Cisco System: Charles Schwab was the manager at Cisco system. They think that for providing outstanding customer services, it is necessary to treat their own employees very well. This translates into Schwab employees with five years of service being eligible for four-week paid sabbaticals that can be combined with vacation time. The practices at these sharp contrast to the well-known restaurants that pay minimum weges. ( How SHRM differs from HRM: In the last two decades there has been an increasing awareness that HR functions were like an island unto itself with softer people-centred values far away from the hard world of real business. In order to justify its own existence HR functions had to be seen as more intimately connected with the strategy and day to day running of the business side of the enterprise. Strategic human resource management focuses on human resource programs with long-term objectives. Instead of focusing on internal human resource issues, the focus is on addressing and solving problems that effect people management programs in the long run and often globally. (( ( What are strategic goals and objectives?: Strategic goals are statements of what you wish to get over the period of planned plan, for examples next month, next year, ten years. They reflect the detailed analysis you do that starts with creating a idea, a role statement and a work statement, and then your analysis of your environment, strengths, opportunities and threats. In other way, drafting five or six major strategic or business goals may seem relatively simple. The actual writing may be but connecting the goals to the break of the strategic planning process requires a high degree of analytic and reasonable skill. Example: HRM in boots: boots is a company which produces different kind of products. It is very difficult to make a major change in the organizational staff, ans also it is too difficult for multitask business to single task operations. During the year 2002-03 boots engaged in a programme of focus group meeting for all of their retail employees with the aim of informing and engaging everyone in the business; this involved more than 51000 people staff. The key objective of the meeting was that all staff develop understanding of Boots markets, customers and competitors. ( Organizational innovation and HRM: Innovations can be defined as deliberate and radical changes in existing products or services, processes or the organisation in order to reach competitive advantage compared with competitors . Crucial aspects in this definition are: Innovation means the introduction of something new, at least for the standing organization, in terms of new products or services, new technology or new forms of organization; Innovation takes place with the intention to gain some advantage; Innovations develop through radical jumps although many authors also speak of incremental innovation; Innovations can be managed; this means that there are activities/stages such as goal formulation, design and organization, implementation and monitoring. But they can also present an opportunity: answering them gives the organization the option to expand or to develop into a new direction. In our conceptual framework we distinguish four types of developments: Economic developments, like changes in markets and industries, changes in demands for products and/or services, etc. Technological developments, like the development and application of new technology. Social/cultural developments, like demographical changes, changes in individual preferences, such as individualization, emancipation of specific groups, etc. Political developments, like changes in government policies (towards innovations), general trends like liberalization of trade, supra-national co-operation, etc. ( Example of HRM-innovation: The delegation of the responsibility for the development and introduction of new work methods to a team (devolution). Example of HRM-innovation: The introduction of a reward system that is related to innovation outcomes, like the number of new products, the successful implementation of a new technology, etc. Example of HRM-innovation: The HR leadership award which was a part of global excellence awards presented at the congress, is in recognition of Mr. Joshis leadership and contribution to the field of HR. as a tradability. Example of HRM-innovations: The introduction of a more flexible staffing approach e.g. by giving people contracts for the duration of their projects instead of permanent contracts. ( HRM and FLEXIBILITY: The human resource management practices that may affect labor flexibility, that is, the adaptability of a firms workforce. A random sample of managers in the largest manufacturers in Taiwan completed a structured questionnaire containing a measure of employee participation as an indicator of a firms labor flexibility. Important terms related to flexibility of an organization are listed below: Labor market flexibility, where it is said that regulation and resulting inflexibility of the job market act against growth and should be minimized. Flexible firm: a model of organization developed by the former Institute of Manpower Studies in the UK during the 1980s. Argues for a workforce composed of core and peripheral workforces. They take care of the organizations key functions. Peripheral workers are split into three categories: Regular employees engaged in relatively low-skill, routine work. Fairly low pay and insecure the next wave of technology can remove the need for these people. Contingent employees working on high-skill tasks, perhaps on short-term contracts or projects. High pay, no job security but this is compensated for by the freedom to pick and choose projects. Low-skill, low pay contract workers often provided by an agency for cleaning, routine security, catering, etc. Within the model there are some key explanatory concepts:numerical,functionalandpayflexibility and also distancing. The model has its critics and there is little evidence that organizations have made much use of it as a strategic concept. However, individual components such as sub-contracting are commonplace. Flexible specialization. An argument that fordism or mass production is declining in favor of smaller niche market manufacturing. Consumers are more demanding, it seems, wanting more individual products. Questionable. Example: HRM at McDonalds: McDonalds places emphasis on the training and development of its workers. They provide career opportunities for people to achieve their potential. Specially, the firm offers both part-time and full-time career opportunities, which helps staff to combine work with family or educational commitments. Job progression is used to encourage employees who got their 1st job in the firm to progress to manage positions. Over half of the companys middle and senior managers have moved up from restaurant-based positions. ( Managing organizations strategically: A processual view of strategy sees it as the pattern emerging over the time in an organization as actions of both planned and unplanned nature are carried out to enable the organization as a whole to carry on into the future. It follows from this view that strategic choices or managerial decisions are those that have: A corporate dimension: relate to the whole organization as opposed simply to a part of it; A long term implication: whether this be a matter of just surviving in the sense of staying viable or a matter of aiming to operate at higher level of performance. (The strategic management of human resources-Jhon Leopold 2nd edition) SHRM and culture: Over the past decade, the management of a firms entire supply chain has become the process for building improved and stronger upstream and downstream business linkage. Over the past decade, the management of a firms total supply chain has become the process for building better and stronger upstream and downstream business linkages. He concept organizational culture refers to the character of a firm, i.e., what makes the organization unique in the eyes of insiders and outsiders. While there are many definitions of culture, the common theme is the presence of shared values, beliefs, assumptions, and patterns of behavior. Two critical cultural elements are inherent in this definition. The first element of culture is the shared nature of job or role expectations. Over time, supply chain members also develop a common awareness about what is expected of them and what they can anticipate in return. In this sense, there are two aspects of shared expectations: The internal culture that characterizes employee expectations and The external culture that designates channel member expectations. (The strategic management of human resources-Jhon Leopold 2nd edition) Conclusion: I, definitely, think that the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives by any organization will help to improve business performance and develop organizational culture s that foster and flexibility. Research on diversity of national cultures and their influence on employees behavior inspire much optimism about emerging perspectives on culture and SHRM practices. There is a growing amount of research that illuminates differences in the way organizations around the globe make decisions, allocate resources, negotiate, manage and motivate employees and train them. Also, from above examples, it can be said that human resource management plays most important role in development of any organization. Strategic HRM is really important for creating innovative culture of an organization. REFERENCES: What Is Human Resource Management?- HRM INTRODUCTION- hrm- Strategic human resource management- HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Influence of Culture on Strategic Human Resource Challenges of hrm- What is hrm?- Can you give me an example of human resource management at the company?- Nokia analysis- Office of Personnel Management- Can you give me an example of HRM at the company?- HRM in the airline industry: strategies an outcomes Hrm at The Hospitality Industry The effects of culture and human resource management- Hand book on hrm- Innovating Organisations and HRM:- What Are The Characteristics of Good Strategic Goals and Objectives Within Strategic Planning? JOURNAL of diversity management- Third Quarter 2007 Human Resource Management by Julie Beardwell Tim Claydon, 5th edition Organizational Behaviour by David Buchanan, 5th edition Introducing human resource management by Margaret Foot 2nd edition The strategic management of human resources-Jhon Leopold 2nd edition Human resource management practiceBy Michael Armstrong page 144 Human Resource management in hotel industry: strategy and innovation by Kim Hoque Strategic Human Resource Management by Susan Jacson BIBLIOGRAPHY: JOURNAL of diversity management- Third Quarter 2007 Human Resource Management by Julie Beardwell Tim Claydon, 5th edition Organizational Behaviour by David Buchanan, 5th edition Introducing human resource management by Margaret Foot 2nd edition The strategic management of human resources-Jhon Leopold 2nd edition Human resource management practiceBy Michael Armstrong page 144 Human Resource management in hotel industry: strategy and innovation by Kim Hoque Strategic Human Resource Management by Susan Jacson
Friday, October 25, 2019
Satan in John Miltons Paradise Lost Essay -- essays research papers
Who is Satan? Satan’s definitions include the advocate of God, a personification of evil, the fallen angel, a spirit created by God, and also the accuser. People see Satan differently, some know of his existence, others think of him as just a myth, and there are those that just ignore him. John Milton's Paradise Lost tells of Satan's banishment from Heaven and his gain of earth. He and his brigade have plotted war against God and are now doomed to billow in the fiery pits of hell. Satan is a complex character with many different qualities. God is a character who we, as Christians, know about but do not completely understand. We also do not completely understand Satan. Some may think they know Satan but when asked â€Å"Is Satan divine?†they hesitate. I admit that this is a very tough question to answer but it is just one of the ways that we understand Satan. The tools we have to understand Satan are mainly the just Bible and our questions, but some use John Milton’s Pa radise Lost. There are some who think we should not use Paradise Lost as a tool because it is just a fictional book. I personally believe that this book could be a story told to John Milton by the Holy Spirit. Milton's Satan is somewhat different to our thought of Satan largely because he is more complex than the Satan of the Christian tradition. Satan's rebelliousness, his seeking of transcendence and his capacity for action, particularly evil action, change certain people’s viewpoints on him, even if their viewpoint might be considered theologically misleading. The question is: do we actually understand Satan and evil by means of the book Paradise Lost? In John Milton's Paradise Lost, Satan is banished from Heaven for his defiance against God. Satan an... ...ological story. We have books like the â€Å"Left Behind†series and some of us treat them like they are describing what is going to happen. In the book Wrestling with Dark Angels Satan is described as â€Å"a supernatural being, although limited in power yet still greatly effective in fulfilling his malicious purpose, at least for a time. Because he is limited in power he has to rely upon clever delusion and allusion†(117). Satan will never be in charge of us as long as we never let him in. If we let him in we will see the allusion and will love it like he does. Finally, Satan interests many critics, who ask many questions. Many of the questions are unanswerable since we do not have access to Satan’s mind, let alones Milton mind. The Satan in Paradise Lost is a product of Milton. His character will continue to fascinate and confuse us all for many more generations.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
B2B Marketing Theory and Relevant Examples
In Business to Consumer marketing, the consumers purchase the product because they derive pleasure out of it or because they need it in their everyday consumptions and not because they very much in need of it for improvement and to gain profit. Whereas in Business to Business marketing, business purchaser buys a product because they need it for them to become competitive, cost-effective and triumphant in the business line they chose (Smith, 2002). Another difference would be Business to Consumer marketing involves only â€Å"small transactions†since they are only concerned with the individual transactions.While Business to Business marketing conducts â€Å"large transactions†since their market includes another business entity or company (Oliva, 2007). The mode of selling of Business to Consumer marketing is only linear. Meaning, there is a direct and simple way of conducting a transaction. Whereas in the Business to Business marketing the purchasing process of a certa in company for a certain product would have to take series of processes before ordering the chosen product (Oliva, 2007).Another exceptional difference of the two would be, in Business to Consumer marketing, the customer of the company has a limited perception on the product that the company is providing. While in the Business to Business marketing, since the company is dealing with the intellectual persons, they have the capacity to fully understand the value of the product. Because of this, low profile advertisement or marketing communication will not take any effect on your target business customer (Smith, 2002).Under the Business to Business marketing, business entities are â€Å"information seekers†and always on search for new ideas that would improve their firm or company, have higher investment return or any information that would bring them to the top of their career. Whereas, individual consumers in Business to Consumer marketing are always contented with what is al ready available in the market. they lack initiatives to look for new ideas since they are just purchasing the company’s product/s for pleasure and not for improvement (Smith, 2002).Lastly, in B2B marketing, you have to be direct with your customer regarding your product. You cannot make some ‘flowery’ features just to have their ‘yes’ on your product. What you need is to be precise, direct to the point and state all the reasons why your customer should buy your product. On the other hand, in B2C marketing, the firm can add ‘colors’ to their presentation to attract the customers. The more creative you present it, the higher is the probability that your good will be purchased (Smith, 2002).The above said differences has to be consider by a Business to Business marketing type of firm fro them to easily gain the market share of their target customers or consumers. Like for instance, you are selling computer units to a telephone company. In t he presentation that you are going to do, you don’t have to hire commercial actors or actresses to present the features of your product. What you should do is to prepare a demonstration or presentation that will educate the telephone company regarding what will be the help of your computer to further improve their services.Sometimes you have to be technical with the term since that is the easiest way for the intellectuals to fully understand what you are saying. Role of Personal Selling in Business to Business Marketing Personal selling is the communication of the sales person with their possible customer done verbally for the purpose of closing the deal with the customer. The main focus of personal selling is to develop a good relationship with the potential buyers most especially the â€Å"will†to close the deal (tutor2u. com, 2007).One of the roles of sales person under the Business to Business marketing is the prospecting or trying to find new customers or consume rs. Since we are considering here a Business to Business type of marketing, it is important for the sales person to clearly identify the right type of customers for their product. The sales person should focus on business type customers and not individual customers. Therefore sales person should be direct when presenting the goods to the company managers or any other important person from the prospect company.What the sales person needs is to be precise, direct to the point and state all the reasons why the company should buy the product should buy your product. Another role of sales person is having communication with the current and probable customers regarding their product. Company managers are information seekers and thus, sales person should communicate from time to time to their potential and current customers regarding the latest information on the products of the sales person.For example, colorful or creative ads of, let say, your software company did not attract the busine ss entities to buy your products until you send them e-mails and journals that explains the features of your products in technical terms. Sales person should know the right means of communicating based from the type of their customers. An additional role of a sales person is the selling of the products, which includes getting in touch with their customer as well as responding to the questions and aiming to close the deal with the customer. For instance the sales person is selling computer units to a telephone company.What you should do is to prepare a demonstration or presentation that will educate the telephone company regarding what will be the help of your computer to further improve their services. Sometimes you have to be technical with the term since that is the easiest way for the intellectuals to fully understand what you are saying. Servicing is the third role of the sales person. Based from this role, the sales person should provide support and service to the customer from the delivery up to the post sales of the product. Providing products to a business customer is not enough.Often time, the sales person is being required to entertain additional questions upon delivery of their goods. Company officials are known for their being specific with the details. The sales person should be able to answer all the questions that might rise by any officials of their business customer. Sales person are also being tasked to gather information on their market in order for them to make necessary adjustments to their plans and other strategies. Customer businesses are very dynamic when it comes to choosing products for their company.It is important for the sales person to gather information on the current demand trend of their prospect company in order to make appropriate strategies and plans. The last but not the least is the allocation especially during the times of shortage. Sales person must have the ability to think on the ways by which he/she would allocate th e available stocks of the company.REFERENCES OLIVA, R. (2007) Business-to-Business Marketing Overview.SMITH, T. (2002) B2B Marketing? TUTOR2U. COM (2007) promotion – personal selling.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
In My Shoes
In my shoes I’ve had my black and white converses for about 7 years, and I still wear them today. They use to have Green laces on both shoes, but the left side got so worn out that I couldn’t lace up it up anymore. That is why one side now has black lace, because my boyfriend gave me his shoe lace so I could fix my shoe. I got these shoes myself when I was entering 7th grade from K hols. It was supposedly the cool style to wear converse at the time, and I wanted to have my own pair. I wore them almost every day, partially because they were the only shoes I had at the time, and partially because I loved them that much. I don’t want to throw them away even though they are so ratty now because I’ve had them for so long, and they held up better than the 3 pairs of flip flops I’ve worn out. They are meaningful to me because the shoes were the first ones that I bought myself, and something that I got to be trendier. I’m not usually one to keep up with the fashion world, but buying them made it feel like I was a part of some unspoken group of cool people. Yes I do plan to keep them, but they are now kept outside on the back porch to be used as mowing shoes. They would be impractical to wear around anymore because there is a rip down the side of the right shoe, and a giant gaping hole on the bottom of the other one. The rain puddles use to leak through the hole and soak my sock, making it soggy. I’ve already gotten a new pair of converse shoes from my older sister, Jennifer. They are light grey with pink laces. They are nice shoes, but I do prefer the black ones more, considering black can match with anything!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Essay on Aulus MetellusEssay Writing Service
Essay on Aulus MetellusEssay Writing Service Essay on Aulus Metellus Essay on Aulus MetellusAncient Roman art mirrored the reality of the ancient Roman civilization and reveal key values, cultural norms and beliefs of ancient Romans. At the same time, ancient Roman works of art depict many famous people, leading politicians, gods, heroes and other renowned humans as well as non-humans. In such a way, ancient Roman art attempted to capture and preserve in the artistic form outstanding figures, although often artists created their works of art depicting rich people because, in such a way, they just earned for living. At this point, it is possible to refer to the statue of Aulus Metellus, the Roman orator, who personifies the rhetorical skillfulness and importance rhetoric played in the life of Roman society.The pose of the statue manifests the process of speech. At any rate, the artists depicted Aulus Metellus in the course of the delivery of his speech, as if he is referring to the audience and attempts to persuade them and accept his ideas and message . The pitch and angle of the head of the orator imply that the orator is standing above the crowd of listeners, who stand around him. In such a way, the orator stands above the crowd and delivers his speech. However, judging by the angle of his head, he stands slightly above the crowd.The direction of the gaze of the orator is directed faraway, as if he is looking slightly above heads of his listeners. In such a way, the orator attempts to persuade the audience that he is looking at every listener in the crowd (Depasse, 2001, p.135). The artist attempted to show that the orator is skilful and uses his rhetorical skills and experience. The orator proves to be skillful and efficient in terms of the development of rhetorical skills and art. The gaze of the orator is distant. He looks as if looking somewhere far away. In such a way, the artist reached the effect, when the audience feels as if the orator is speaking about some really important issues, which affect the audience deeply. Th e gaze focused on distant objects implies that the orator is full of thoughts, which are important and mirror his focus on really of important issues. The facial expression of the orator his mouth closed and his hand raised imply that the orator has provoked some disputes in the crowd and the audience probably started to oppose or dispute with the orator, whereas the closed mouth and raised hand of the orator means that he tries to stop protests and claims that contradict to the orator. The arm and hand gestures imply that the orator attempts to keep his audience under control and calm people down (Bonesteel, 2000, p.140). At the same time, his left hand remains steady next to his side that implies the calmness of the orator and his self-control. He is not nervous at all and he attempts to convey his calmness to the audience. He raised his right hand and stretched it right to the audience with his open palm directed to listeners trying to show them that he has no evil intentions and he looks for the better for them.The hairline and hairstyle of the orator is neat that implies that he is a public person, who pays attention to his look and takes care for it. He seems to belong to the upper class and wants to show that he is a nobleman as he wears a classical hairstyle and clothing, toga, that may be viewed as attributes of his aristocratic origin.  The suggested aging of the facial features are light and the orator has just started to age since he is still a relatively young man in his late 30s or 40s. The state of health is apparently good judging by slightly puffy areas of the face, especially on his cheeks. In such a way, he looks to be healthy and wealthy. At any rate, the orator definitely belongs to the upper-class.The arrangement and style of the attire, including his toga, also prove his belongingness to the upper-class. At the same time, his toga shows that the orator is a civilian. He is not the military by any means. His only weapon is his word and his eloquence. He is calm that means that he apparently is accustomed to talk in face of a large crowd (Collins, 2004, p. 212). The details of gesture body language show clearly that he knows how to keep the attention of his audience and how to control his listeners in the course of the speech. He stays calm, when necessary. He raises his hand to suppress any protests or words, different from his own. His facial expression is calm and steady.At the same time, betoken both the man’s demeanor or hexis (public image) are obvious. He stays straight. He is capable to manipulate with the audience and control it with the power of his words and speech. Inner attitudes and the engagement of the statue’s subject in the political process of his times are obvious. The orator delivers a speech to the audience, which probably is political or socially important in any way. He is always aware that the audience may disagree with him and soothes the audience by his calmness and stea diness. He delivers an important speech judging by his eye expression (MacGregor, 2002, p.138). These behavioral aspects are caught in the artist’s narrative ‘snapshot’ of an everyday occurrence. He seems to be absolutely accustomed to delivering speeches in public spaces. He is not nervous at all. He manifests his ability to keep his audience under control and deliver his messages clearly. He seems to be quite persuading judging from his body language. He uses his body language to the full extent. He shows that he knows what he wants to say and what body language to use to make his speech persuading.Since Roman men of consequence lived very much in a face-to-face public arena, it is also possible to assume that the original event represented included spectators. In fact, Aulus Metellus apparently delivered his speech and he used the face-to-face public communication. His speech was delivered to the audience and the orator uses his speech to convey his ideas and messages to the audience. In such a way, he attempts to develop a persuading speech.Thus, Aulus Metellus was depicted by the artist skillfully and shows how Roman orators looked like and what techniques they used in the course of their speech. The artist showed the power of his body language. The audience of the orator are implicit but it is possible to suggest the audience around and slightly lower than the orator was located.
Monday, October 21, 2019
PADILLA Surname Meaning, Origin and Genealogy
PADILLA Surname Meaning, Origin and Genealogy Padilla is a Spanish geographical or locational surname, originating from a number of different villages of that name, from the Spanish padilla, meaning saucepan or bread pan, which in turn derived from the Latin patella, a diminutive of patina, or shallow dish. In this sense, the word was used topographically to describe a village built in a gentle depression. Padilla is the 57th most common Hispanic surname. Surname Origin Spanish Alternate Surname Spellings PADILLO, PADILA, PADILO, DE PADILLA, DE PADILLO Famous People With the Surname PADILLA Josà © Padilla - Spanish composer and pianistLeonard Padilla - American bounty hunterErnesto Padilla – Cuban-American artist and cigar makerHeberto Padilla - Cuban poet and father of Ernesto Padilla Where do People With the Padilla Surname Live? According to Public Profiler: World Names the majority of individuals with the Padilla surname live in Spain, followed by larger concentrations in Argentina and the United States, plus small populations in France and Canada. Public Profiler doesnt include information from all countries, however, including Mexico and Venezuela. Genealogy Resources for the Surname PADILLA 100 Common Hispanic Surnames Their MeaningsGarcia, Martinez, Rodriguez, Lopez, Hernandez... Are you one of the millions of people sporting one of these top 100 common Hispanic last names? - Padilla Genealogy Records (free trial or subscription required)Thousands of records for individuals with the Padilla surname can be found on the subscription website, including births, marriages, census, immigration and military records. PADILLA Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Padilla surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Padilla query. FamilySearch - PADILLA GenealogyFind records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Padilla surname and its variations. PADILLA Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Padilla surname. Cousin Connect - PADILLA Genealogy QueriesRead or post genealogy queries for the surname Padilla, and sign up for free notification when new Padilla queries are added. - PADILLA Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Padilla. You can read more about interesting surname origins and meanings here.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Adam Reres
Adam Reres Essay Ms. CooperU.S. History II19 march 2004Three Mile IslandThree Mile Island is a nuclear power plant located in Harrisburg, PA. Ithad two pressurized water reactors. One in which began its service in 1974and is the best performing reactor in the US. However its other reactor isalmost brand new and suffered a server nuke clear meltdown. March 28th 1979at approximately 4:00 a.m. a minor malfunction created a rise intemperature to the primary coolant. The reactor shut down as a safety result. In no time a pilot-operatedrelief valve (PORV) on the reactors cooling system opened but did notclose. This caused reactor coolant water to leak out and soon drained thetank of its coolant (Wikipeia). As a effect of the lost coolant, highpressure pumps pushed replacement water into the reactor system. Water andsteam then escaped through its relief valve as cooling water surged to thereactor. In this type of situation, the operators were trained to reduce theflow of the replacement water. Their training told them that thepressurizer water level was the only dependable indication of the amount ofcooling water in the system. Because the pressuriser level was increasing,they thought the reactor system was too full of water They were told to doall they could to keep the pressuriser from filling with water. If itfilled, they could not control pressure in the cooling system and it mightrupture. Operators responded by reducing the flow of replacement water. Steam thenformed in the reactor cooling system. Pumping a mixture of steam and watercaused the reactor cooling pumps to vibrate. If the severe vibrations couldhave damaged the pumps they would made them unusable, so the operators shutdown the pumps. This ended the forced cooling of the reactor. However, as reactor coolant water boiled away, the reactors fuel core wasuncovered and became even hotter. The fuel rods were damaged and releasedradioactive material into the cooling water. At 6:22 am operators closed ablock valve between the relief valve and the pressuriser. This actionstopped the loss of coolant water through the relief valve. However,superheated steam and gases blocked the flow of water through the corecooling system (Wikipeia). By late afternoon, operators began high-pressureinjection of water into the reactor cooling system to increase pressure andto collapse steam bubbles. By 7:50 pm, they restored forced cooling of thereactor when they were able to restart one reactor coolant pump. They hadcondensed steam so that the pump could run without severe vibrations. FromMarch 29 and 30, operators used a system of pipes and compressors to movethe gas to waste gas decay tanks(Wikipeia). The compressors leaked, andsome radioactive gas was released to the environmentAfte r an anxious month, on 27 April operators established naturalconvection circulation of coolant. The reactor core was being cooled by thenatural movement of water rather than by mechanical pumping. The plant wasin cold shutdown. The cleanup of the damaged nuclear reactor system at TMI-2 took nearly12 years and cost approximately $973 million. The Plant surfaces had to bedecontaminated. Any water used and stored during the cleanup had to beprocessed. And about 100 tones of damaged uranium fuel had to be removedfrom the reactor vessel all without hazard to cleanup workers or thepublic. (Wikipeia)OpinionI see Three Mile Island as history repeating itself; It reminded me alot of the Titanic. The crew on titanic and in the operators room weretold that an accident was nearly impossible so that when something happenedthey didnt know how to react properly or knew entirely what was going on. READ: The last of the mohicans Persuasive EssayHowever, they responded with there instincts which only made the problemworse. Unlike the Titanic though, no one died in Three Mile Island. The Three Mile Island incident was in a way a good lesion to the US inworking with nuclear generated power. We saw that it is a force of naturethat is very powerful. Its dangers are very real, anything could happen,and if something did happen when using the nuclear power many could die. Wesaw that we should not assume anything in a time of delicate decisions, Wikipeia, Joan , lastmodified 02:19, 15 Mar 2004The plants main feedwater pumps in the secondary non-nuclear coolingsystem failed at about 4:00 a.m. on March 28, 1979. This failure was due toeither a mechanical or electrical failure and prevented the steamgenerators from removing heat. First the turbine, then the reactorautomatically shut down. Immediately, the pressure in the primary system(the nuclear portion of the plant) began to increase. In order to preventthat pressure from becoming excessive, the pressurizer relief valve (avalve located at the top of the pressurizer) opened. T he valve should haveclosed when the pressure decreased by a certain amount, but it did not. Signals available to the operator failed to show that the valve was stillopen. As a result, the stuck-open valve caused the pressure to continue todecrease in the system. Meanwhile, another problem appeared elsewhere in the plant. The emergencyfeedwater system (backup to main feedwater) was tested 42 hours prior tothe accident. As part of the test, a valve is closed and then reopened atthe end of the test. But this time, through either an administrative orhuman error, the valve was not reopened preventing the emergencyfeedwater system from functioning. The valve was discovered closed abouteight minutes into the accident. Once it was reopened, the emergencyfeedwater system began to work correctly, allowing cooling water to flowinto the steam generators. As the system pressure in the primary system continued to decrease, voids(areas where no water is present) began to form in portions of the systemother than the pressurizer. Because of these voids, the water in the systemwas redistributed and the pressurizer became full of water. The levelindicator, which tells the operator the amount of coolant capable of heatremoval, incorrectly indicated the system was full of water. Thus, theoperator stopped adding water. He was unaware that, because of the stuckvalve, the indicator could, and in this instance did, provide falsereadings. After almost eighty minutes of slow temperature rise the primary loop pumpsbegin to shudder as steam rather than water began to pass through them. Thepumps were shut down, and it was believed that natural circulation wouldcontinue the water movement. Steam in the system locked the primary loop,and as the water stopped circulating it was converted to steam inincreasing amounts. After around 130 minutes since the first malfunction,the top of the reactor core was exposed and the heat and steam drove areaction involving hydrogen and other radioactive gases with the zirconiumrod cladding. The quench tank ruptured, and radioactive coolant began toleak out into the general containment building. At 6 a.m. there was a shiftchange in the control room. A new arrival noticed that the temperature inthe holding tanks was excessive and used a backup valve to shut off thecoolant venting. Around 250,000 gallons (950 m) of coolant had alreadybeen lost from the primary loop. It was not until 165 minute s after thestart of the problem that radiation alarms activated as contaminated waterreached detectors, by which time the radiation levels in the primarycoolant water were around 300 times expected levels.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Negotiation Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Negotiation Journal - Essay Example The outcome of a negotiation will often depend on the manner in which the parties carry out the negotiations. In order to engage meaningfully in any negotiation, it is necessary to develop a multi-pronged strategy that seeks to address some of the major concerns brought out by the competing parties. A good negotiator must begin from a clear and concise understanding of the issues at the center of the conflict. In many cases, this necessarily involves an awareness of the points of strengths and weaknesses of all the parties involved. A moderation of factual analysis of the issues and the power of persuasion is one of the ways that have always proven resourceful in the course of any negotiation. The art and science of negotiation entails the adoption of flexible approaches. The methods to be used in any negotiations should, in most cases, be determined by the specifics of the problem. Depending on the level of complexity of any situation, the process of negotiation may require the incl usion of the counsel of experts on some specific matters. The inclusion of expert opinions could serve to increase the cooperation of the parties involved in a conflict or disagreement because professional facts are always neutral. This strategy has often worked in negotiations that involve the settling of some technical details, which may not be easily comprehensible to one or more of the parties involved in a conflict. Finally, all negotiators must guard against the temptations of succumbing to presumptions, stereotypes, prejudice, or open bias. Such tendencies usually compromise their levels of neutrality and incur the displeasure and non-cooperation of some parties involved in negotiations. All negotiations should be carried out in sensitive and delicate processes, which involve clear attention to the core issues and the underlying concerns. The use of timelines while carrying out negotiations is an important strategy of measuring the amount of progress and success. In some case s, the process of negotiation may require occasional revision of strategies in order to fulfill certain desired
Management information system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management information system - Assignment Example Membership level is categorised in three levels: red membership, green membership and white membership. This open space has free internet access, a coffee shop, among other things that make one comfortable while working. The mission statement of the company is to spread the impact. The impact here refers to betterment of life that comes by provision of good working environment. By ensuring quality services to customers and good payment to workers, the company spreads the impact. BPO’s has become and emerging trend and many organisations are adopting this kind of business stracture. As a result, it is important to understand the external environment and how it affects the business. This section will use Porter’s Five Force Model to evaluate opportunities and threats to iTech. It will look into threat of entry, threat of substitute, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers and the extent of rivalry between iTech and other competitors. This is a new venture that most organisations are competing for. Initial cost of starting a BPO is high, however it has good returns. This makes this venture worth undertaking and many businesses with attempt to enter the market and offer competition. However, iTech has taken roots. It has been operation for the last 15 years. In addition to that, it is well experienced in the field. Therefore, if other firms find their way into the market, they will still have to work for a couple of years to gain enough experience for their influence to be felt. iTech has succeeded in dominating the market share. It has captured almost all suppliers and customers. This means that for new firms to succeed, it will take time to earn trust and confidence from loyal customers of iTech. Finally, as it has been stated above, iTech offers both BPO and open space services. With this differentiation of services, it gives community with types of services which a new entrant may not be in the position of
3 question for 2 case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
3 question for 2 - Case Study Example 21). Children Act 1989, section 47. The Act outlines the duty to enquire where there are grounds to believe that a child is being subjected to physical, emotional and sexual harm or neglect currently or in future. A89, section 44, local authorities or other concerned individuals to follow a court procedure to remove a child who is in immediate danger It stipulates that the child should remain in a safe place or access to a child is authorized where it is unreasonably denied. If Jamie is prone to immediate danger while living in Tim’s house, an Emergency Protection Order could be applied. This would take at least 8 days giving the local authority time to assess the situation and decide on how to protect Jamie. They may put him under foster care. Children Act 1989, Schedule 2 outlines the powers of local authorities to provide assistance in areas of finance, counselling and other services that might cut down on the effect of disability in a household. The Children Act 1989 contains an important principle of partnership. This means that social service providers must work in conjunction with the families to protect the child and closely with other institutions like schools. Family Law Act 1996, section 42 which provides for a re non-molestation order. Breach of this order is an offence. It also covers domestic violence protection and orders between sections 24 and 30 of the Crime and Security Act. This is relevant for Rose’s protection. She might seek a non-molestation order against Tim to stop him from assaulting her. Tim would be arrested if he breaches the order (Harris-Short, Miles, 2011, p. 257). Rose is being harassed by Tim and this brings up fear of violence. If Tim is charged he might be ordered to stay away from Rose and breach of this order would lead to arrest (Great Britain, 2014, p. 159). The Act Data Protection of 1998 and data protection principles,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
U.S. Constitution In 1787 and Today Research Paper
U.S. Constitution In 1787 and Today - Research Paper Example In the United States, the senate voted for the change of rules that enabled the republican to prevent the president Barack Obama nominees for the top administrative posts (Abegg, 2013 p. 219). The senators approved the partisan measures that were to ban the filibuster so as to prevent the nominated personnel from being confirmed (Ford, 2013, p. 214). Harry Reid in his speech about supporting the measure, he accused the Republicans of preventing the nominees in the pursuit of unrelated legislative expectations or goal. Reid argued that the republicans used the filibuster laws weapon for preventing president Obama from choosing and appointing an executive representative and also, appointing the judges. The blocking of the filibuster law does seem constitutionally because, on the other hand, the filibuster acted as the weapon barrier to prevent the president from passing many bills, but they had a right to their opinion (Steffen, p. 202). After the law was blocked, the senator’s power was deducted from the senate to the president. The president was enacted with so much power than before the bill was changed in 2013. This law was mostly used by the republicans more tha n three times in November to block president Obama from confirming votes on the judges nominated to fill the vacancies on the United States for the Washington DC (The Guardian). Reid also argued that the Republicans objected the bills not because they do not have the qualifications, but just because they wanted just to undermine the government, they were elected to work for (Kenneth, 2013, p. 129). Senator Dan Coates reacted by saying he change of the rule was an idea of weakening the founding fathers of the democracy, and he said it was yet another power grabbing from the republicans. Senator Kelly Ayotte reacted to the rule by saying that the grab of the power is so much disappointing to all the republicans in the United State government, she said
Inclusive Education of Children with Autism Essay
Inclusive Education of Children with Autism - Essay Example But to what extent is this possible; and what else needs to be done Truthfully, a lot more needs to be done for these methods of inclusive education to be successful. Some areas have excellent access to schooling systems equipped to teach children with autistic spectrum disorders while others have no provisions to handle these disabilities. This paper will look at some of the methods that have been researched worldwide, which of these methods are currently available, and how accessible these methods are to the children today in the United Kingdom. Strategies and ideas of what else needs to be done will also be discussed, as will be the results these methods have had to those children who have been lucky enough to gain access to inclusive education. Autism is used to refer to a group of neurological disorders. These disorders interfere with the development of a child's behavioural and social communications skills (McLelland, 1999); often leaving the child to be seen as withdrawn-as though he or she is living enclosed in a world all alone. Autistic children frequently show impressive abilities, such as playing music with no mistakes after only hearing a piece once; however, these abilities are sometimes shadowed by a difficulty with speaking and perfecting some motor skills. These difficulties are commonly coupled with a seeming inability to effectively relate to others (McLelland, 1999). Autistic spectrum disorders, including Rett's Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome, have had a large effect on the classroom due to the lack of understanding and knowledge about the disorder. Because of some apparent disabilities, many autistic children find that they need some supervision throughout their lives. This constant need for supervision can make teaching in formal institutions difficult as autistic children need much more attention than healthy children without disabilities (McLelland, 1999). The question stands, though, as to what extent the need to become inclusive has been met. Forty-five teachers in the United States were surveyed regarding their students with Asperger's Syndrome and the behaviours of those students in relation to the interaction received by their respective teachers (Hartman, 2001). The study was implemented to compare the behavioural interruptions or problems between autistic children in a special education environment versus those in a general education. Many of the problems found were abrupt interruptions, agitation, victimization, and difficulty following oral instructions. Other problems frequently included distractibility, strong, adverse reactions to change, and difficulty communicating wants and needs on the part of the student (Hartman, 2001). This study brought to both the medical community and the education teams the need for world-wide adjustment within the education systems to better include children with autistic spectrum disorders. Concerns of this need have since spread through the United Kingdom (Irish Times, 2005). While an Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) approach to teaching has been
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
3 question for 2 case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
3 question for 2 - Case Study Example 21). Children Act 1989, section 47. The Act outlines the duty to enquire where there are grounds to believe that a child is being subjected to physical, emotional and sexual harm or neglect currently or in future. A89, section 44, local authorities or other concerned individuals to follow a court procedure to remove a child who is in immediate danger It stipulates that the child should remain in a safe place or access to a child is authorized where it is unreasonably denied. If Jamie is prone to immediate danger while living in Tim’s house, an Emergency Protection Order could be applied. This would take at least 8 days giving the local authority time to assess the situation and decide on how to protect Jamie. They may put him under foster care. Children Act 1989, Schedule 2 outlines the powers of local authorities to provide assistance in areas of finance, counselling and other services that might cut down on the effect of disability in a household. The Children Act 1989 contains an important principle of partnership. This means that social service providers must work in conjunction with the families to protect the child and closely with other institutions like schools. Family Law Act 1996, section 42 which provides for a re non-molestation order. Breach of this order is an offence. It also covers domestic violence protection and orders between sections 24 and 30 of the Crime and Security Act. This is relevant for Rose’s protection. She might seek a non-molestation order against Tim to stop him from assaulting her. Tim would be arrested if he breaches the order (Harris-Short, Miles, 2011, p. 257). Rose is being harassed by Tim and this brings up fear of violence. If Tim is charged he might be ordered to stay away from Rose and breach of this order would lead to arrest (Great Britain, 2014, p. 159). The Act Data Protection of 1998 and data protection principles,
Inclusive Education of Children with Autism Essay
Inclusive Education of Children with Autism - Essay Example But to what extent is this possible; and what else needs to be done Truthfully, a lot more needs to be done for these methods of inclusive education to be successful. Some areas have excellent access to schooling systems equipped to teach children with autistic spectrum disorders while others have no provisions to handle these disabilities. This paper will look at some of the methods that have been researched worldwide, which of these methods are currently available, and how accessible these methods are to the children today in the United Kingdom. Strategies and ideas of what else needs to be done will also be discussed, as will be the results these methods have had to those children who have been lucky enough to gain access to inclusive education. Autism is used to refer to a group of neurological disorders. These disorders interfere with the development of a child's behavioural and social communications skills (McLelland, 1999); often leaving the child to be seen as withdrawn-as though he or she is living enclosed in a world all alone. Autistic children frequently show impressive abilities, such as playing music with no mistakes after only hearing a piece once; however, these abilities are sometimes shadowed by a difficulty with speaking and perfecting some motor skills. These difficulties are commonly coupled with a seeming inability to effectively relate to others (McLelland, 1999). Autistic spectrum disorders, including Rett's Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome, have had a large effect on the classroom due to the lack of understanding and knowledge about the disorder. Because of some apparent disabilities, many autistic children find that they need some supervision throughout their lives. This constant need for supervision can make teaching in formal institutions difficult as autistic children need much more attention than healthy children without disabilities (McLelland, 1999). The question stands, though, as to what extent the need to become inclusive has been met. Forty-five teachers in the United States were surveyed regarding their students with Asperger's Syndrome and the behaviours of those students in relation to the interaction received by their respective teachers (Hartman, 2001). The study was implemented to compare the behavioural interruptions or problems between autistic children in a special education environment versus those in a general education. Many of the problems found were abrupt interruptions, agitation, victimization, and difficulty following oral instructions. Other problems frequently included distractibility, strong, adverse reactions to change, and difficulty communicating wants and needs on the part of the student (Hartman, 2001). This study brought to both the medical community and the education teams the need for world-wide adjustment within the education systems to better include children with autistic spectrum disorders. Concerns of this need have since spread through the United Kingdom (Irish Times, 2005). While an Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) approach to teaching has been
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Cults Essay Example for Free
Cults Essay The word cult is often thrown around in todays society as a derogatory term towards religions that are not well known or have aspects that are contrary to mainstream religions. According to mainstream media, cults have been responsible for massive pact suicides, and their followers are incestual and polygamous. The mass media shows the leader as a manipulative person who controls his/her believers as they blindly follow, not knowing the trouble that will certainly find them . cult has become little more than a convenient, if largely inaccurate and always pejorative, horthand for a religious group that must be presented as odd or dangerous for the purpose of an emerging news story. (3) Douglas Cowan and David Bromley show the harsh reality of the way the majority of the media likes to portray cults, probably for better ratings. There are several main cults that are often referenced when researching the topic. The first being The Peoples Temple, the founder Jim Jones had a following of 912, that all died (including him) by cyanide laced drinks in 1978. This was known as the Jonestown Massacre, controversy surrounds it as it is debated hether or not it was a mass suicide or murder. Another commonly referenced cult is Heavens Gate, a UFO doomsday religion that ended in a 39 member suicide in 1997 when the group was attempting to leave earth because they believed it was about to be recycled. To learn and understand what a cult is, I will be define a cult, what features make a cult and who the people are that Join them, as well as discuss the founders of these religions. What is the definition of a cult? Depending on the intent of the author defining the word cult proves a difficult task. The scholars on the ubject of cults seem to have two different approaches when studying this topic. There are those who are a part of the anticult movement and often use the word cult in a negative fashion towards any religion that has formed in recent history. Those apart of the anticult seem to skirt around the subject of defining a cult or explaining what a cult exactly consists of. We are given the feeling as though they do not want to define it as they may cast an umbrella over other mainstream religions that have a similar form. It is even often used to describe popular trends that will upposedly not last, veganism is a term that has been described as a cult fad. You can see how it is almost always used negatively, or as something that has no real substance and will not stand the test of time like other religions have. In contrast, there are those who do not use the word cult but prefer the term New Religious Movements. These scholars have a more objective opinion, and use New Religious Movements to represent fascinating glimpses into the way human beings construct religious meaning and organize their lives to give shape to religious experience. (Cowan, Bromley, 3). It is important to be subjective when using the word cult and for purposes of this paper I will define cult in my own words and state that there is a difference between cults and New Religious Movements. A cult is a form of religion that is deceitful towards its own members with the leader abusing their powers. Although there have been many mainstream religions that have had a leader abuse their powers, it is necessary to point out the ditterence, which is that in a cult the head of the religion is the source of all their religious knowledge and do not have other ways of getting to know the religion without them. In comparison, mass religions have many leaders, many forms of knowledge and you can attain religious beliefs through many forms, not only the one source. Keeping in mind that using the word cult subjectively is imperative to this process, it is still easy to find movements that can be categorized under my own definition of the word cult. These would include the previously mentioned religions of The Peoples Temple and Heavens Gate. When looking at these and other cults there are often many characteristics that they do have in common. It is typical for the cult to have only one leader, .. ho claims divinity or a special mission entrusted to him from Above. (Harrison, 19) A lot of cult leaders use the money from the followers for personal profit. There is a major sense of belonging that comes along with being a part of a cult. There are many religions that also share this but cults often want their members to have this feeling with them alone, and discourage involvement with others who are not in their religion. One author that I found that was willing to at least describe a cult relationship for the purposes of her book was Singer. SHe says there are three actors to cultic relationships, using that term better describes his viewings of interactions that go on in cults. The three factors are as follows: 1. The origin of the group and role of the leader 2. The power structure, or relationship between the leader (or leaders) and the followers 3. The use of coordinated program of persuasion (which is called thought reform, or, more commonly, brainwashing) (7) You can see from the quote that this cultic relationship isnt Just solely related to religion alone, Singer includes cults that are formed around doctrines, theories and pr actices, but states that other esearchers may not identify this exactly as she does. According to the scholars of new religious movements, .. roups that are labeled cults often closely resemble a variety of conventional organizations in which these same characteristics are accepted as legitimate or necessary: communes and intentional communities, convents, monasteries, and other high-commitment religious societies, multilevel marketing organizations and armed forces training and combat units (Bromley, Cowan, 5). There could be many reasons why a person would Join a cult, they could e the same reasons one Joins any faith based group; a person is looking to belong, or meet others with similar morals. A prime reason why a person would Join a cult is that they are not doing this knowing that what they are becoming apart of is in fact a cult. Cults often are established off of a Christian based structure with similar values, and practices. A person may attend a cult thinking it is another sect of Christianity. Members of a cult learn ways to recruit new members, a typical form of recruiting is called love-bombing, where members seek out non-members and shower them ith many forms of attention and affection. Basically, being extremely nice to others with the intent on conversion. Anticult members are quick to let the public know that recruiting for cults can happen anywhere, on campus, on buses and trains, or on the street, letting us know that we can be recruited literally everywhere. In actuality it looks as though most recruitment for cults is done through family members or close friends. When seeing that it is family and friends who do the majority of converting it is easy to see now people would Join. It is not as though the trusted group are trying o harm others by recruiting, they are trying to help and see that others are also going to find the truth in a sense. It is similar to the common practice of missions trips that many Christian religions take part in where they travel to underdeveloped parts of the world, converting people to Christianity and also helping the community in some way. The difference being, hopefully no abuse of power or deceitfulness by the religion. It isnt always understood why one does Join a cult but it is probable to say each individual has their own personal reasons why, and somehow in a way that eligion is giving them whatever it is they may be looking for. Friends? Belonging? Maybe they dont agree with morals of other religions and this cult matches up with the lifestyle that they lead. There is a lot of information pertaining to the large numbers of youth attending cults and New Religious Movements, particularly between the ages of 18 and 22. Lorne L. Dawson describes the demographic of youth as the typical All American boy or girl. A profile of the typical cult member reveals that he or she is white, middle or upper class, with at least some college education and nominally religious upbringing. 85) It might seem surprising that a lot of followers come from this kind of back round, but when looked at a little more in depth you see that often these young adults have either parental issues or have had some sort of middleclass failures. Those with problems in communicating with their parents often look to the leader of the cult for guidance and use them as a parental fgure. Those have failed according to middle class norms seem to be searching fo r validation. A lot of followers Join the cults in times of vulnerability and much needed support from others. While you can say that almost everyone has come from back ounds where they have felt vulnerable at points and needed the support of others, it seems imperative that cults cling on to those who have these types of issues going on as well as the added factor of age to convert potential members. The time of young adulthood is when most people are beginning the process of learning who they are and to have a supportive, flattering, group surround them can be very influential to their life. For most cults there is only one leader although this is not always true, using the examples from earlier, Heavens Gate had two leaders; Marshall Applewhite nd Bettie who liked to be called Ti and Do. Often the leader(s) starts this religion after some form of miraculous religious conversion where they may have had a near death experience or a vision, there are many different stories of leaders getting the call to prophecy. The leaders of cults are always charismatic, and seem to have all the answers. In a time in peoples lives when they are looking for affirmation it is easy to be drawn to someone who knows it all, and can give the yes and no answers. The leader forms very personal relationships with his followers, which sometimes turns sexual. As cults grow the leader is not always able to be so intimate with each member, and this can become problematic for the cult. In response when cults members become larger, the leader will start to segregate himself from the following, only allowing access to certain members who have earned that right. The leader becomes a sort of local celebrity in the eyes of the followers, and like celebrities, their fans stand by them even when arguments against their religious beliefs become even more valid. It is hard to say why a person may start a cult, money could be a huge contributing factor. Or the idea of a group of followers hanging onto every word d by the tounder may be exactly what a true narcissist is looking tor. Out ot all the New Age Religions it is hard to exactly pin point out which ones can be classified as a cult, in history, different Christian denominations have been labelled as cults and paid a price for it. In the nineteenth century The Salvation Army was labelled as a cult and its members were stoned, now it is viewed as a respected and legitimate faith base. So to stamp a religion that hasnt been researched to its full extent can be harmful, and not fair to its members. To be close minded to the idea of new religious movements could erase the idea of religion altogether, as many religions are stuck in the past and not embracing the progressiveness of the times. If a religion is not abusing their powers or being harmful to its members who is to say that it cannot be fulfilling for someone who is looking for more in their life and doesnt connect to mass religions? It is important to teach people to be able to question ideas and to critically think on new and old perspectives, hopefully by doing so people will not so easily be a part of such self-destructive religious groups. I work in the field of homeless and mental health and have met many clients who see themselves as closer to God than the rest of humankind so it is very plausible to me for cult leaders to truly believe that what they are doing is the right way to live, and the only way to live. All religions have outsiders who will say anything to bring that religion into a bad light, it is with great importance that we carefully and kindly dissect the true intent on all religions, not Just new age religions.
Monday, October 14, 2019
National Football League African American Coaches
National Football League African American Coaches Jinks A. Arnold III The Myth for African American Coaches in NFL Lingers On Many questions over the years have circulated as to why African American coaches dont get the opportunity to coach in the National Football League (NFL). These questions have seemed to go unanswered and there have been some attempts to answer a few of the question however, still the same results occur between the 32 teams of the NFL as of this year (2017) there are only seven African American head coaches. It seems as though the playing field for hiring black coaches is lopsided, former players are not qualified for any of these positions, assistant coaches which are few if interviewed dont get hired and finally the history numbers show that African American coaches still ride the back of the bus when it comes to job opportunities in the NFL. History of National Football League African American Coaches For years the history books of the NFL noted Art Shell as the first African American head coach but is that true, the American Professional Football Association was birthed in 1920 which the Hammond Pros was part of this association who was coached by Frederick Douglass Fritz Pollard which was hired as the first African American coach of the league from 1921-1925, he coached four different teams but the NFL treated Fritz Pollard as if he never existed within the league (Braddock, Smith, Dawkins 2012, pg.714). After the hiring of Fritz Pollard it wasnt until 64 years later when the Los Angeles Raiders hired Art Shell to be their head coach. The NFL has been in existence for 97 years and from 1921 until 2017 there has only been 24 minority coaches to hold head coaching jobs and out of that number only 16 were African American (Braddock, Smith, Dawkins 2012, pg.714). The practice of hiring African American coaches has been the topic that has headlined every sport magazine, sport radio and television shows in the United States even with all the news press, Rooney Rule and National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) there is a constant battle to get African American coaches hired. Is Discrimination the Problem? The National Football League has been under scrutiny for years for the lack of African American coaches in the sport. Art Rooney owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers and diversity committee implemented the Rooney Rule in 2003 which is a policy that requires league teams to interview at least one minority candidate for available head coaching and senior football operation jobs. (Fanning, Madden Ruther, 2010, pg.1). Since this rule was implemented there has only been seventeen minority coaches hired as head coaches in the NFL and after the 2017 season there is only seven African American coaches (Solow, Solow Walker 2011, pg.6). The NFL has 32 teams and 67% of the athletes are African American (Solow, Solow Walker 2011, pg.2) yet after retirement they are not hired for head coaching, offensive or defensive coordinator openings, now before jumping to any conclusion the NFL is the umbrella for all 32 teams however, each team has their own hiring practices, the question that continues to s urface is why arent African American not hired for these head coaching vacancies. . Why Are There Limited Opportunities? The National Football League has 32 teams and none of the owners are African American which has a direct effect on the opportunities that may be awarded to African American head coaches. The structure of an NFL coaching staff is made up four levels of coaches which is head coach, offensive and defensive coordinators, special teams which each of these positions have assistant also position coaches and quality control assistants (Braddock, Smith, Dawkins, The NFL uses two resources to give a head coach an opportunity to fill vacancies. The NFL hires from within where they look to employ former head coaches or successful offensive and defensive coordinators but these positions are not awarded to black coaches. Reports show from 2001 through 2009, there were 44 head coach transitions 25 were à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ lled by NFL coordinators and others were filled by former coaches and other positions from the college ranks (Solow, Solow Walker 2011, pg.6). African American coaches are offered lower level opportunities like running back, wide receiver, defensive back and linebacker coach however, these positions are not covered by the Rooney Rule interview requirement (Fanning Madden Ruther, 2010,pg. 1) as well as these positions are interchangeable as long as the team is winning these position are secure but usually when the head, offensive and defensive are fired the coaching staff is fired and these not covered by the Rooney Rule interview requirement (Solow, Solow Walker 2011,pg.1). The other source is National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) where NFL teams seek out coaches but there are very limited opportunities for African American coaches in the NCAA, which leaves African American coaches, still left waiting in the wing for an opportunity. Conclusion The Rooney Rule was put in place to force teams to interview minority coaches with stiff penalties if they didnt adhere to this rule and even with this rule being in place the hiring of African American head coaches is still scarce in the NFL. The final analysis comes down to the fact that the positions that African American players hold in the NFL limits their opportunities to become head coaches and coordinators (Braddock, Smith, Dawkins, 2012, pg.716). It has be stated that African American coaches must prove they are winners and also valued by personal characteristics before they are offered to a lead coaching position. (Braddock, Smith, Dawkins, 2012, pg.723). Even with the Rooney Rule and NFLPA in place this will be an ongoing problem for African Americans. This is not because of race or being overlooked its a matter of not being qualified to take on a leadership role which requires having knowledge of understanding football strategies and schemes until this changes among Afr ican American players they will continue to stand in line and wait for an opportunity. References Braddock, J. H., Smith, E., Dawkins, M. P. (2012). Race and pathways to power in the national football league. American Behavioral Scientist, 56(5), 711-727. doi:10.1177/0002764211433802 Branham, D. (2008). Taking advantage of an untapped pool: Assessing the success of African American head coaches in the National Football League. Review Of Black Political Economy, 35(4), 129-146. doi:10.1007/s12114-008-9031-1 Evans, H. (2005, July 28). Fritz Pollard, NFLs 1st Black head coach, will be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. New York Amsterdam News. pp. 40-38. Fanning Madden, J., Ruther, M. (2011). Has the NFLs Rooney Rule efforts Leveled the Field for African American head coach candidates?. Journal Of Sports Economics, 12(2), 127. doi:10.1177/1527002510379641 Proxmire, C.D., (2008). Coaching Diversity: The Rooney Rule, Its Application and Ideas for Expansion Retrieved March 2, 2017 from, Solow, B. L., Solow, J. L., Walker, T. B. (2011). Moving on up: The Rooney rule and minority hiring in the NFL. Labour Economics, 18(3), 332-337. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2010.11.010
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Consequences of Drinking and Driving Essay example -- Criminal Jus
The facts are plain and simple, that alcohol and driving do not mix. About three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol related crash at some time in their lives. Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. To curb this national travesty, concerned Americans need to examine the problems, the effects, and the solutions to drunk driving. First of all, America has had a problem with drunk driving since Ford perfected the assembly line. Alcoholism is a problem in and of itself, but combined with driving can have a wide range of effects. The consequences of this reckless behavior can include a first time DUI or licenses suspension; a small fender bender, or worst of all a deadly crash. Most drivers that have only one or two drinks feel fine, and assume they are in control, which is irresponsible and dangerous. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down the body's ability to react and impairs judgment. To drive well, you need to be able to have a quick reaction time to avoid accidents. Unfortunately, people continue to drink and drive. However,...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Comparing Women´s Images in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Awakening :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Women ´s Images in The Yellow Wallpaper and The Awakening The aim of this essay is analyse women ´s images in The Yellow Wallpaper and in The Awakening, since the two readings have become the focus of feminist controversy. Both stories were written by women, Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Kate Chopin. But is this fact important to understand the aim of every story? Would they have had the same effect if the had been written by men? I will explore these matters. I also considered it could be rather interesting to study and compare how heroines act, how they are constricted by patriarchy, how their husbands treat them, and if they triumph or not, in every story. There is no doubt that the literary written by men and women is different. One source of difference is the sex. A woman is born a woman in the same sense as a man is born a man. Certainly one source of difference is biological, by virtue of which we are male and female. â€Å"A woman ´s writing is always femenine†says Virginia Woolf But we all know that Western societies have normally divided many human activities labelling some of them as masculine and others as feminine. So women are naturally femenine, and men are naturally masculine, and this fact should be reflected in their writings. I don ´t agree with this assertion, a woman is naturally female, and by means of every culture, she is femenine. The same happens with men. According to nature all human beings should write in the same way, but according to culture women are forced to write in a different way. And this difference â€Å"must be sought ( in Miller ´s words) in the body of her writing and not the writing of her body†( Showalter:252) The two stories I am going to study were written by women. I think it is virtually imposible to tell, without previous knowledge, that these stories were written by female authors. Virginia Woolf says that â€Å" the first words in which either a man or a woman is described are generally enough to determine the sex of the writer†. I don ´t agree with this point, that is very difficult, and it must be also very difficult for specialists. But I must say that there are always something inherently different. Women have a different way of viewing the world, because of the culture not the nature. They tend to write diaries, autobiographies, poetry†¦because the cultural context in which they write asks for that kind of literature .
Friday, October 11, 2019
Nutrition Implications in Complex Disease: Whole Grain Oat Cereal Lowers Serum Lipids
Coronary heart disease, CHD, has been predicted to persist as the major cause of high mortality rate for the coming decades. In line with this, the development of ischemic heart disease was attributed to the increasing level of low-density lipoprotein or LDL blood cholesterol. According to the National Cholesterol Education Program or NCNEP adult treatment panel, less than or equal to 5. 17 millimole per liter (200 milligram per deciliter) is the ideal blood cholesterol level for individuals of age higher than 20 years while higher than 6. 21 millimole per liter or 240 milligram per deciliter is risky. In connection to this, about twenty nine percent of adults older than 20 years in the United States have 6. 21 millimoles per liter blood cholesterol. Meanwhile, researches have shown that consumption of dietary soluble fibers lowers blood cholesterol level as epidemiologic studies revealed that the CHD development can be alleviated by means of dietary fiber consumption. In fact, more than thirty researches that were submitted to the Food and Drug Administration of the United States by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Report validated the efficacy of soluble fiber consumption on blood cholesterol reduction. Clinical studies showed that soluble fibers from selected gums, psyllium, oat bran, pectin, and oats generally caused six percent to nineteen percent serum cholesterol reduction. Since the low cholesterol and low saturated fat diet has been employed in hypercholesterolemia medical therapy, this study aimed for the assessment of commercially available whole grain oat cereal, as employed with the step-one diet of the American Heart Association (AHA), in the reduction of blood cholesterol level. Methodology This study has enlisted fifty-seven participants from previous researches advocated by the Heart Disease Prevention Clinic. While forty-six of these participants have joined the intervention phase, only forty-three persevere and endured until the end. The participants have ages in between twenty-seven and sixty-eight years with 50th to 90th percentile range of cholesterol level based on age and gender adjustments. In the recruitment of participants, individuals with higher than 3. 39 millimole per liter of triglycerides, a body weight thirty percent higher than ideal, has major surgery and myocardial infarction history, gastrointestinal illness, unstable angina or heart failure was excluded form the enlistment. Also, those who were presently in taking up drugs for medication such as lipid-lowering agents, thiazides, antibiotics, estrogens, corticosteriods, and progesterones were excluded. In line with this, those who were taking ?-adregenic blockers needed to maintain the dosage of such drug during the duration of the study for them to become eligible. Finally, twenty-one men and twenty-two women were successfully made into the phases of this study. The phases of the intervention plan were four-week washed out stage, two-week baseline, and four-week treatment part. Throughout the intervention phases, the participants were required to maintain weight while consuming about ready-to-eat cereals twice daily within four weeks. In connection to this, all participants were mandated to abide with the AHA step-one diet design during the duration of the study. Meanwhile, physiological data such as weight, nutrient data, and lipid profiles of the participants were determined from zero to four-week baseline. Moreover, the nutrient data based on four-day food records were evaluated by the National Coordinating Center. In the intervention plan, pairing of participants was done based on gender and entry cholesterol data, whereas in each pair one was assigned to â€Å"Country Cornflakes†while the other has undergone the â€Å"Cheerios†diet. The former was the control cereal while the latter was the source of whole grain oat. Both of these cereal types were produced through cereal processing equipment and each were pre-packed into 42. 5 grams upon distribution to the participant. This was done in order to hide the identity of the commercial cereals used in this study. In connection to this, the researchers also ensured which cereal type was assigned to whom and the participants’ adherence to the consumption design by personal interviews and visitation. Meanwhile, the participants’ clinical assessment, as approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was done after twelve-hour and twenty-four fasts from food and alcoholic drinks respectively. In every visit, blood pressure, lipid profile, pulse, and body weight were accurately measured. In relation to this, participants have undergone clinical screening such as urinalysis, blood count, electrocardiogram, and physical examination. The lipid content of the blood collected through sodium-potassium ethylenediamine tetraacetic was analyzed in the University of Minnesota’s laboratory for Lipid Research Core. The high-density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides were determined. Also, very-low density lipoprotein or VLDL and LDL were precipitated; Friedewald formula was utilized for LDL calculation. Lastly, the cholesterol data of the participants before undergoing the treatment was statistically compared with their respective cholesterol data analyzed after the intervention phases by means of t-tests and analyses of covariance. Results and Discussion The participants in this study were equally divided into two groups; the control group received cornflakes food supply while the treatment group was fed on whole grain oat. Both groups have 51. 6 years as average age of the participants. Although the baseline body weight of the treatment group was five kilogram lower as compared with that of the control group, the difference did not make statistics significance. As such, there was no significant difference on the body mass index or BMI, and the baseline and post-intervention phase blood pressure among the two groups. Further, personal interviews on the participants revealed that their smoking and alcohol drinking habits as well as regular exercise in either group was maintained throughout the study. Luckily, complete blood count and blood chemistry of the participants did not change significantly during the study period. In terms of fat consumption, the total intake of the treatment group was decreased non-significantly from 56. 7 grams to 51. 8 grams. Moreover, the average diet changes were 11. 2 milligrams per deciliter and +4. milligrams per deciliter for the treatment group and the control group respectively. Similarly, among the two groups, there was no significant difference on the key nutrients before and after the duration of intervention phases. Except for soluble fiber, there were no other significant changes with respect to diet composition among the two groups. Meanwhile, whole-grain oat group incurred 3. 8% and 5. 4% changes on total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol respectively. As compare with the control group, the treatment group had a decreased of 4. % in total cholesterol and 4. 9% LDL cholesterol. Although, there was no significant difference in HDL cholesterol between the two groups, they had a 0. 20 millimole per liter LDL cholesterol difference. The exact mechanism of the cholesterol reduction was still unclear. It was theorized that the viscosity of soluble fibers lessen the rate of chime transfer in the upper gastrointestinal tract that causes low absorption rates, less blood nutrients, and changes in hormonal responses to delimited nutrients. In their hamsters study, Gallaher, Hassel, and Lee associated the reduction of plasma and liver cholesterol to the increase in the viscosity of the intestinal contents. However, viscosity was deemed only as a crucial requirement for the reduction of serum cholesterol. In this connection, it was proposed that soluble fibers hinder bile activity lessening the absorption rate. This process obstructs enterohepatic circulation leading to fast conversion rate of cholesterol to bile acids. In addition, other compound constituent of the fibers may also promote this process. For instance, tocotrienol in rice bran, oats, and barley inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Furthermore, the soluble fiber fermentation produces chain fatty acids which in turn hinder cholesterol biosynthesis. Changes in Serum Cholesterol and Sterol Metabolites after Intake of Products Enriched with an Oat Bran Concentrate within a Controlled Diet Introduction The United States Food and Drug Administration or FDA, in 1997, approved the notion concerning soluble fiber consumption and coronary heart disease or CHD risk reduction. The serum cholesterol or S-cholesterol reduction was ascribed to the soluble fiber, (1-3),(1-4) ?-D-glucan or simply ?-glucan present in oats and whole oat flour. Based on clinical claims, the consumption of three grams of ?-glucan per day results to S-cholesterol lowering and CHD risk reduction. Meanwhile, the S-cholesterol lowering mechanism was theorized to depend largely on increased bile acid activity due to viscous ?-glucan which in turn induces cholesterol and bile acid biosyntheses. The rate of cholesterol and bile acid biosyntheses can be traced on through the ratio of lathosterol to cholesterol and the presence of 7-?-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, respectively. Thus, this study aimed to assess the S-lowering of oat bran concentrate or OBC food products incorporated in the low-saturated fat and low-cholesterol diet of hypercholesterolaemic patients. Also, the OBC effect on bile acid and cholesterol biosyntheses were examined. Methodology The recruitment of the respondents for this study was done through newspaper advertisement. Twenty-seven individuals were examined but only sixteen has passed the screening and participated in the study. The participants should have ages of 35-70 years and 50-70 years for men and women respectively. In addition, all participants should have less than six millimoles per liter S-cholesterol level. On the other hand, individuals with less than four millimoles per liter S-triacylglycerol or TG, hyperlipedaemia, less than 30 kilogram per meter square body mass index or BMI, and with cases diabetes mellitus, liver disease, thyroid problems or kidney trouble and those under hormonal therapy or cholesterol medication were excluded. Hence, the final participants were composed of seven women and nine men with average age of 57 years, 25. 4 kilogram per meter square BMI, and 7. 47 millimoles per liter S-cholesterol level. This study was a single-blind and randomized cross-over that lasted for two by three weeks with 2. 5 weeks washout period. As such, the experimental group was supplemented with OBC of about 2. 7 grams per day ?-glucan in their diet while the control group was told to maintain their typical diet. In relation to this, laboratory test such as fasting blood sampling and body weight recording were performed. The results of every clinical test were only revealed to the participants after the completion of the study. The American Heart Association recommended diet was utilized as computations of every participant’s daily food requirements and menu planning were facilitated by MATS computer program. Strict compliance with the diet was imposed through regular checking as amounts of sweet foods and drinks were regulated. For instance, maximum of 375 grams of wine or 660 milliliter of beer were only allowed per week. Additionally, participants were given copies of the foods they ate for the first week and told to stick to such as much as possible. Fasting blood sampling was done every morning as the blood samples were analyzed in terms of low density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol, TG, and high density lipoprotein of HDL cholesterol, and S-cholesterol. Further, serum lathosterol and 7-?-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one levels were determined through gas chromatography. Meanwhile, statistical treatments were done by means of MS Excel and SYSTAT package. Pearson’s correlation and t-test were employed for correlational analysis and paired comparison respectively. Results and Discussion As compared with the control group, the experimental group has incurred six percent S-cholesterol reduction based on five-gram ?-glucan daily diet. In fact, a significant correlation S-cholesterol baseline level and total S-cholesterol changes during diet period were observed. In addition, changes on the serum metabolites which reflected bile acid secretion and cholesterol biosynthesis were noted. Moreover, the solubility of ?-glucan in OBC was calculated and found only as 50%. Weight losses which denoted S-cholesterol reduction also were observed. Meanwhile, due to the delimited fat intake, HDL-cholesterol reduction was noted as TG level was decreases in some participants only. Correlational changes on lathosterol and S-cholesterol implied cholesterol biosynthesis after oat diet. This observation was attributed to increase in bile acid production that was mediated by ?-glucan which in turn caused reduction in bile acid reabsorption. This process triggered bile acid synthesis through cholesterol from plasma pool by means of LDL-receptor. Yet, no significant change on serum lathosterol and 7-?-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one levels observed on participants. High-Fiber Oat Cereal Compared with Wheat Cereal Consumption Favorably Alters LDL-Cholesterol Subclass and Particle Numbers in Middle-Aged and Older Men Introduction High in fiber diet, in parallel with low-fat intake and other dietary factors, has been associated with the reduction of cardiovascular disease or CVD risk. Based on the meta-analyses of a number of studies, ?-glucan soluble fibers in oat products lessened serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein or LDL-cholesterol. It was inferred then that the capability of soluble fibers for CVD risk reduction is in concurrence with its capacity in modifying lipoproteins and serum lipids. In a number of cases, individuals with normal profile of serum lipids developed CVD. Thus, a closer examination on blood lipids attributes may provide insights on the possible CVD risk development and modify the efficacy of intervention for the prevention of such risk. However, no research has been conducted with respect to the effects of cereal and soluble fibers on lipoprotein subclasses, and particle size and number. Also, none has reported on lipoprotein and lipid changes brought either by carbohydrate, and cereal or oat diet. Hence, this study aimed to determine cereal or oat diet on plasma lipid indexes such as LDL particle number, and lipoprotein subclasses and particle diameter. Methodology Men selected for this study were in between 25-35 years of age and have 50-75 kilogram per meter square body mass index. Individuals with CVD, diabetes, abnormal blood pressure, smoking habits, thyroid gland or eating disorders, and those who currently in any medication and with high amount consumption of fibers were excluded. At last, 36 men were successfully passed then clinical requirements that were divided into two groups. Then, weight and bodily measurements were gauged initially and periodically during the study. Nonetheless, the participants, under the instruction of dietitian, recorded their food preparations and sizes in four-day food intake. In connection to this, records of food intake were analyzed through Food Intake Analysis System or FIAS. Meanwhile, participants’ blood samples were taken before and after the twelve-week intervention. By means of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy or NMR, the concentrations and particle size of blood lipids and lipoproteins were assessed. Further, the insulin-augmented frequently sampled intravenous-glucose-tolerance test or IVGTT was applied to participants. For statistical treatments, Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality tests were employed prior to analysis of variance done through SPSS package. Also, analysis of covariance was performed for body weight changes and macronutrient intake. Nonetheless, t-tests were utilized to examine lipoprotein and lipid response differences. Results and Discussion Based on the results of this study, two large oat servings added to the regular diet of the participants, lowered small, dense LDL and LDL particle concentrations. In addition, in spite of the carbohydrate intake elevation and saturated-fat intake lowering, the concentration of triacylglycerol did not significantly increase for high-fiber oat group. In contrast, it was reported that triacylglcerol in blood increases along with the changes in lipoprotein and lipids in individuals who fed on wheat cereal with high carbohydrate intake and low-fat diet. Meanwhile, the association between triacylglycerol elevation and CVD risk development was linked on the changes in the composition of LDL and high-density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol. In relation to this, the substitution of triacylglycerol by cholesterol esters in lipoproteins results to accumulation of triacylglycerols in HDL and LDL which in turn serve as reactant in hepatic triacylglycerol lipase. Then, the removal of triacylglycerol leads to particle size decreased and density increased. Hence, in this study, the decrease in plasma tiaclyglycerol resulted to increase in LDL particle size for oat group but not with wheat cereal group. Analysis and Conclusion From the abovementioned studies, it was statistically proven that supplementation of oat cereals to the controlled diet of hypercholesterolemia patients caused blood lipids and HDL reductions. Further, oat meal diet results to LDL-particle size decreased and particle number increased which is beneficial in the part of hypercholesterolemia patients. On the other hand, it was theorized that the viscosity of soluble fibers lessen the rate of chime transfer in the upper gastrointestinal tract that causes low absorption rates, less blood nutrients, and changes in hormonal responses to delimited nutrients (Reynolds, Quiter, and Hunninghake, 2000). This process obstructs enterohepatic circulation leading to fast conversion rate of cholesterol to bile acids (Reynolds, Quiter, and Hunninghake, 2000). Thus, the increase in bile acid production as mediated by ?-glucan caused reduction in bile acid reabsorption (Davy, Davy, Ho, Beske, Davrath, and Melby, 2002). This process triggered bile acid synthesis through cholesterol from plasma pool by means of LDL-receptor (Davy, Davy, Ho, Beske, Davrath, and Melby, 2002). As a consequence, the substitution of triacylglycerol by cholesterol esters in lipoproteins results to accumulation of triacylglycerols in HDL and LDL which in turn serve as reactant in hepatic triacylglycerol lipase. Then, the removal of triacylglycerol leads to particle size decreased and density increased (Davy, Davy, Ho, Beske, Davrath, and Melby, 2002). Nonetheless, other compound constituent of the fibers may also promote this process. For instance, tocotrienol in rice bran, oats, and barley inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Moreover, the soluble fiber fermentation produces chain fatty acids which in turn hinder cholesterol biosynthesis (Reynolds, Quiter, and Hunninghake, 2000). With these reasons, the research question â€Å"What is the effect of a diet high in dietary fiber and how does it decrease LDL – cholesterol and serum lipids? †was plausibly answered.
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