Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Response to Green - 1011 Words
The short story, Green, by Anne Enright, is about an organic farmer who now bears the fruit of her many years of devoted labour in organic produce. The story describes her emotions towards a woman named Gertie, a woman who criticized her organic vegetables when her business was poor, but orders the vegetables when her business is booming. By comparing the narrators thoughts to Gertie’s actions, we see how Enright prioritizes on leading a pure, well deserved life earned by working hard, even if it means having bumps in the road at first, as opposed to one that is impure and taken for granted. Enright also underlines by comparing the weddings of both the narrator and Gertie that we shouldn’t do things just because we are supposed to and†¦show more content†¦It shows us how these values and ideals can be achieved, however, IMO, lacks to focus on anything that may entice teenage thought. Metaphors and characterization are two techniques used in the story that are very important. Near the ending of the story, the narrator mentions, â€Å"Hydroponics†and â€Å"Ebb and flood.†Basically, these are two techniques of growing plants without soil – which is fundamental nutrient-supplying organic matter. Instead of soil, plants are grown in water-based solutions. This metaphor may represent her view of many other people. It can show how she believes they never had the proper foundation to grow naturally. Instead, in this chemical based world, they learned to become interdependent with each other, just like the intertwined roots of these plants. They learned to live while being dependant on the chemicals that were put into the water that they lived in. This is a very important aspect of the story because it shows her opinion on why people need commercial foods so much – dependency, highlighting an important theme in the story. Characterization is also very important to the story. The way Gertie’s character is described is through the narrator’s thoughts. Due to the way the narrator describes Gertie, we automatically acquire a negative view of Gertie, giving us sympathy for the narrator. This is a crucial aspect because if Gertie was characterized through her actions or through her thoughts, we may not have had such a negative viewShow MoreRelatedWhat Are The Effectiveness Of The Four Promotion-Responded Messages?980 Words  | 4 Pagespromotion-framed messages (1, 3, 7, 8) and the five prevention-framed messages (2, 4, 6, 9, 10) determined in pretest 1. The results of this pretest would determine the green messages used in the subsequent studies. 2. Participants 160 completed responses from New Zealander were collected from 04 Sep 2017 to 13 Sep 2017 and 132 completed responses from Vietnamese were collected from 25 Sep 2017 to 04 Oct 2017. These participants were recruited via the online panel CINT. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Strategic Management Process Free Essays
Organizations develop some form of a strategic management plan to enter, maintain, or continue to enhance their position with other competitors within their industry. The primary goal of any organization is to provide a product or service to produce a profit. Though the objective remains the same regardless of the organization, the strategic management processes may vary. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Management Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now Prior to describing the components of a strategic management process, one must first understand the definition of strategic management. Strategic management is â€Å"a set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of a corporation†(Wheelan Hunger, 2010). The concept of strategic management allows a company to set goals in order to secure sustainability for the future. There are four steps in a strategic management plan: situation analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation (Whelan Hunger, 2010). These steps are performed in this specific order when developing a new plan of management. Situation analysis involves reviewing the internal and external environment as well as the organizational framework of a company. When focusing on internal environment of a company one must focus on the different working relationships within the organization. To analyze the external environment would include evaluation of relationships the company has with its customers, suppliers, creditors and competitors. (Coulter, 2005). The second step in strategic management plan is strategy formulation. In this step the strategies for the company are formulated focusing on its strengths. Strategy formulation can be categorized into three organizational levels: operational, competitive and corporate (Coulter, 2005). Strategy implementation is the next step. In this step the strategies that were formulated in the previous step are put into action. This includes development of operating procedures necessary to implement the strategies set forth. To be successful the problems should be prioritized based on the seriousness of the issue and should focus on the important issues first (Coulter, 2005). The final step is strategy evaluation. In this step the entire process is under scrutiny. This includes how the strategy was executed and the effectiveness of it. In this step changes are made as necessary. For example if goals were not met the strategy should be modified (Coulter, 2005). The Internal Revenue Service began using a strategic management plan in 1985. They use the plan to fulfill the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. As part of the strategic management process The IRS plans and budgets, develops measures, implements the plan, and evaluates the results (http://govinfo. library. unt. edu/npr/library/studies/caseirsa. pdf). In conclusion a strategic management plan is a continuous process and is important to the successful future of a company. Strategies will change as objectives and goals change. The use of a strategic management process is important to the sustainability and longevity of a company. References Coulter, M. (2005). Strategic Management in Action. (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. http://govinfo. library. unt. edu/npr/library/studies/caseirsa. pdf Wheelen, T. L. , Hunger, J. D. , (2010). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (12th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education How to cite Strategic Management Process, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Italian Renaissance (511 words) Essay Example For Students
Italian Renaissance (511 words) Essay Italian RenaissanceHow was the Italian Renaissance an age in which life was a work of art?The Renaissance was an important time. It was a time when new ideas were formed,worldly places became more important, and great people became known. All ofwhich paved the way to future inventions, philosophies, and life as we know it. During the Renaissance, new possibilities were explored. One of which was agroup of people who called themselves Humanists. Humanism was a movement basedon the literature and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome. Humanists focused onsecular themes, rather than those that were religious. They also believed thatindividualism, human improvement and that people should develop their talentsthrough many activities. Humanism was influential in that more attention waspaid to literature, the arts and education. Because education was becoming moreimportant, more schools were opened. Students were taught all that was taught inclassical Greek schools such as Greek, Latin, history and philosophy. Thehumanists strongly believed that education could help people to improvethemselves. Humanism also inspired literature to become more universal. Manyauthors were discovered. Also, a form of poetry, called a sonnet, was developed. The humanists were very important to the Renaissance, without their teachingsmuch would have been left undiscovered. The city stated of Florence, Rome andVenice were also important parts of the Renaissance. Florence was ruled by aline of successful and wealthy rulers. Florence produced many great things. Great rulers, great architects, great sculptors and great painters. Thus leadingthe way through art. Rome was the leading renaissance city during the 1500s. Many artists and scholars went to Rome to be taught by master craftsmen. Romealso became a site of great religious increases. Venice was a city of greattrading. It linked Asia and Western Europe in trade routes, also drawing tradersfrom the rest of the world. Venice was also known for its artisticachievements. Florence, Rome and Venice were three of the most influentialpowers during the Renaissance. The arts were extremely important to theRenaissance, and very influential. Architecture was modeled after classicalGreek and Roman stylings. The greatest Italian architect was FilippoBrunelleschi, who was best known for his completion of a cathedral in 1436. Sculpture, as did architecture, reflected ancient Greek and Roman ideas. Thebest known sculptors were Donatello, Michelangelo and Ghiberti. Donatello wasthe first sculptor to cast free standing figures. Michelangelo was best knownfor his free standing figure of David, and Ghiberti for his ten biblical sceneson Florence cathedrals walls. During the Renaissance, painting acquired amore realistic style. Some famous painters of the time are Giotto, Michelangelo,and probably the most famous of all, Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci is best knownfor his works of The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. During the Renaissance,boundaries were explored, new heights were discovered and a whole new way oflife was found. The renaissance truly was an age in which life was a work of artnot only because art was so important to that time period, but becauseeverything was original and new. Without the renaissance, and the people wholived during it, such as Da Vinci, modern life may not have been so modern.
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