Monday, July 29, 2019
Immanuel Kant Ethical Theory Part A
Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory. According to Bentham, the utilitarian principle discloses that the action of morally right when it promotes the maximum happiness for a majority of the citizens (Dion, 2012, p. 10). Therefore, utilitarianism can be expressed by, the greatest good for the highest number. In Ted 's situation, utilitarianism theory explains option in paying the inspector $500.00 would be most preferable as it will maximise happiness for Ted, his employees and the inspector. Kantian Ethics Kant 's ethical theory is deontological theory. In deontological theories actions are evaluated as ethical or unethical based on one duty. Kantian ethics theory includes duty for the sake of duty regardless to human happiness, unlike utilitarianism. Immanuel Kant defined duty as â€Å"the action which is objectively practical according to this law and excludes inclination from its determining grounds is called duty†(Kant, 1956, p. 83). According to Kant, all acts have a maxim. Maxim is a rule or principle. He mentions, â€Å"So act that the maxim of your will could always hold at the same time as principle establishing universal law†(Kant, 1956, p. 30). He makes an effort to provide a universal law which is correct under any conditions for everybody. Therefore, it can be concluded that Kantian ethics emphasises a universal morality. According to Kantian ethics, action is ethical if it 's satisfied the categorical imperative test (Strategies,The easy accessibility of pornography and long term exposure to it from an early age can lead to damaging views about women or even correlate with violence and sex crimes. Young males especially are targeted and pressured by peers and society to consume porn and throughout time, may become desensitized to the brutality, violence and degradation depicted in it. Now that does not necessarily mean every male will go out and commit a sex crime, but it has been studied that males who view porn frequently have less empathy for rape victims and may exhibit aggressive behavior and or hold negative opinions about women. In order for these increasingly negative attitudes towards women, the policies and regulations surrounding how easy it is to find porn, very much need to be altered. Pornography can play a major role in affecting the brains of young males who watch it, and by result can influence them to be violent towards women. As technology has progressed and with the internet flourishing over the past 20 years, in comes the inevitable chance of finding porn. A computer with internet access can typically be found in almost every household in the country, and thus –the increase of porn exposure. For males in particular who are more likely to search for it, pornography becomes available at every corner of the web by a simple Google search to a free porn site, or even in advertisements. The porn exposure typically begins at an early age, â€Å"9 out of 10 boys are exposed to pornographyWilliam Blake The Tyger And Walt Whitman Poetry The two poems that have to deal with the philosophies of human nature are William Blake’s â€Å"The Tyger†and Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself.†Blake’s poem is based off the Romantics and Walt Whitman is an American Naturalist that is based off free verse a form that he created. William Blake’s poetry is considered through the Romantics era and they access through the sublime. The Romantics poetry through the sublime is beyond comprehension and spiritual fullness. A major common theme is a nature (agnostic religion). In William Blake’s poem â€Å"The Tyger†he describes the tiger as a creature that was created by a higher power some time before. In Blake’s poem he questions, â€Å"What immortal hand or eye/ Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?†(Blake 22-23). He describes the tiger as a form of symmetry that can be seen as evil, yet have intriguing features such as those that make the tiger a beautiful creation. Blake also questions if that the higher being who created the tiger also created all else around the world such as a human being. Blake shifts his first stanzas from the tiger to the creator. Not only is he questioning who created the tiger, but he is also describing the beauty and evil of the world. The beauty that the Romantics believe in is nature and one evil seen through the world is materialism that distract humans from the beauty of nature 's gifts. He believes that people lose touch with spirituality when haven’t given to nature. Blake also illustrated his own works throughMod2 Week 1 Hand in Assignment Review of Oviatt and... MOD2 WEEK 1 HAND IN ASSIGNMENT REVIEW OF OVIATT AND McDOUGAL'S "Toward a Theory of International New Ventures" Oviatt and Mcdougall in their paper, Toward a Theory of International New Ventures, tried to identify and define International New Ventures in the context of the global marketplace. Their work gained global acclaim in its bid to pose questions about the validity of existing theory on internalization. A decade later, Zahra’s work titled â€Å"A theory of international new ventures: A decade of research†attempts to build on prominent aspects of the work of Oviatt and McDougall with the hope of highlighting their important contributions to the field of international new ventures. I will attempt to highlight the areas where Zahra’s work To understand whether the actions carried out was rational or whether it did more harm or good, it is necessary to review the development of RDS in a preterm baby. Neonatal RDS is a condition of increasing respiratory distress commencing at or shortly after birth (BAPM-2006). It’s the single most important cause of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants (Greenough, et al 2004). Typically RDS affects preterm infants with the incidence being inversely proportional to the gestational age (Stewart 2005) Approximately 60% of those born before 28 weeks gestation are affected (Fraser, et al 2004) Incidence also increases in infants of diabetic mothers those born via elective caesarean section (Fraser, et al 2004) and perinatal asphyxia (Rodriguez, 2003). RDS is characterised by tachypnoea, nasal flaring, intercostal and sub costal in drawing with sternal retraction and a predominantly a diaphragmatic breathing pattern and a characteristic expiratory grunt or moan and cyanosis without oxygen, all persisting within 4-6 hours of delivery. Diagnosis can be confirmed by history, blood gases showing impaired respiratory function and an X-ray film showing ground glass appearance and air bronchograms (Fraser, et al 2004) RDS is caused by a defective or delayed production of surfactant in structurally immature lungs. Surfactant is a complex mixture of phospholipids and proteins secreted by the typeThroughout recent history, our planet’s climate and environment has slowly been changing due to the many effects of global warming. Unfortunately, global warming has been an ongoing issue for decades. Between 1956 - 2005, the average Earth’s temperature rose .13 degrees Celsius per decade (Amadeo, par. 1). Not only did the average temperature of the climate increase, but the average temperature of the ocean increased as well. Ever since 1978, the ice caps have been melting at a rate of 2.7% per decade (Amadeo, par. 2). Climate change has been a constant reminder of our planetary warming. Even though these problems have been present for so long, people are not realizing the gravity of this issue. Global warming and sea level rise are not only causing the climate to change; they are also negative ly affecting organisms and habitats, the economy, and various coastal regions. It is undeniable that our planet is changing and getting warmer. The temperatures are rising; ice caps and glaciers are melting; sea levels are increasing, and natural disasters have been occurring more and more frequently. Years ago, scientists assumed that if planetary warming could be maintained below two degrees Celsius, perils such as sea level rise could be avoided (Carey, par. 1). However, it seems that this indication wasn’t exactly the case. Ongoing research suggests that three global feedback mechanisms seem to be pushing the earth into a more rapid period of climate change: altered ocean
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